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OR-1 Improving Quality of FRI Test Data Expected Benefit toMembers:

Traditional Research Idea

Improper design of auxiliary devices such as collectors, reboiler inlets, and vapor distributors can compromise the performance and/or limit the capacity of an otherwise well-designed distillation column. Ensuring that the auxiliary devices are not affecting the test results of the packing or trays being tested will provide improved confidence in the overall test results. Present Situation and Proposed Research: It has been reported that both large-scale and small-scale entrainment exist in many tests performed with both random and structured packing. The amount of entrainment has been estimated indirectly, but there have been no direct measurements to quantify the amount of entrainment, its dependence on boil up rate, the test system, or pressure. The proposed program would include the installation of a de-entrainment device to capture all of the re boiler entrainment and measure its quantity as a function of rate and test system. Proposed Internals and Test System:

boil up rates for each FRI test system. Initial tests will be with C6/C7 system at 4 and 24 psia. It is envisioned that this test would not be completed in one test program, but would continue over time. Depending on the results for C6/C7 tests, tests may be needed for the butanes system. Estimated Additional Costs (Beyond Unit

The quantitative determination of the amount of liquid entrainment from the reboiler is needed to determine whether entrainment from the reboiler is significant and whether this entrainment affects the conclusions reached for packing tests. Estimated Unit Time: Three weeks of unit operation time and three weeks of installation are required to measure the entrainment from the reboiler at various

Time): None.

Background and Discussion: Large-scale and small-scale entrainment has been reported to be present in packing tests, especially for higher capacity structured packing. The quantitative measurement of the entrainment has not been done. Some of the high capacity packing tested show obvious capacity limits for column auxiliaries, while other packing tests may have been affected under certain conditions, but not recognized. A quantitative measurement of the amount of the entrainment from the reboiler for each test system and pressure would help to determine when a de-entrainment device is required and would establish a basis for consideration whether significant entrainment may have affected the results or conclusions of previous test work.


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