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MD-2 Partner with Experimental Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Expected Benefit toMembers: Partnering with an experimental fluid dynamics laboratory will streamline research efforts, reducing the time and cost to understand distillation phenomena. Present Situation and Proposed Research: Experimental fluid dynamics labs have developed instrumentation that would aid our understanding of basic fluid dynamics involved in our trays, packing and vapor distribution in large scale spray chambers. More specifically, it is recommended that FRI develop the capability to determine droplet size distribution so that de-entrainment studies can have a more rigorous background. This first phase would be a screening study to determine the available techniques for droplet size distribution and whether or not they can be applied in the FRI test columns. Proposed Internals and Test System: Trays, packing, and open spray chamber. Estimated Unit Time: fluid dynamics labs and determine applicability to FRI systems. Estimated Additional Costs (Beyond Unit Time): Developmental Research Idea

No column time is required for this first phase. Approximately 6 months’ calendar time for staff to discuss with the experimental

None for the first phase of the project. Any subsequent work would be contract work with the chosen lab.

Background and Discussion: Background on one recommended experimental fluid dynamics lab, Canada Research & Development Corporation, can be found online at:


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