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DST-19 Packed Downcomers to Stop Vapor Entrainment Expected Benefit toMembers:
Traditional Research Idea
The addition of random packing to the downcomer may limit the entrainment of vapor in the liquid and allow the downcomer to handle high liquid velocities. This could allow for relatively inexpensive revamps to increase column capacities. Present Situation and Proposed Research: Downcomers are typically designed with no internals. The swirling liquid that enters the downcomer may have enough kinetic energy to entrain vapor deep into the downcomer, thus decreasing the downcomer capacity. Proposed Internals and Test System: A previously tested valve tray will be tested but with the downcomer filled with large random packing. The suggested test system is iC4/nC4 at 100 and 165 psia. Estimated Unit Time: Six weeks of test time is required. Estimated Additional Costs (Beyond Unit Background and Discussion: This simple modification of column internals could allow inexpensive revamping of columns for higher capacities.
Time): None.
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